We're available 24/7
Holly Stubbs
Sam McConkey
Kaitlin Cohen
Our dedicated team is always here for you.
1800 071 176
Community Centre / Town Hall
Max capacity: 115

Mount Wilson Village Hall

Set in the serene and beautiful village of Mount Wilson, the Village Hall is a beloved community space that has been cherished by locals for years. The venue is ideal for hosting a celebration of life as it can accommodate a maximum capacity of 115 guests. The Hall features a small but functional kitchen with a boiling water system, gas oven with stove top, microwave and a fridge with a freezer. Cutlery and crockery are also provided, making it easy to prepare refreshments and meals for a simple yet lovely memorial service of your loved one.
34 The Avenue
Mount Wilson
New South Wales 2786
Offers Catering
Catering Required
AV Equipment
Free Parking
Paid Parking