We're available 24/7
Holly Stubbs
Kylie Meek
Saira Malik
Our dedicated team is always here for you.
1800 071 176
Max capacity: 200

Warrandyte Community Church

There are a variety of available spaces at Warrandyte Community Church to accommodate the memorial service of a loved one. The auditorium is an ideal option for an intimate celebration of life. It has an ample seating capacity of 200 that can accommodate your close family and friends. The venue provides all the necessary technical equipment for a smooth and seamless experience, including a sound desk, front and rear projectors, and lighting desk. The Warrandyte Community Church does not provide catering services for memorial services held on its premises.
57 Yarra Street
Victoria 3113
Offers Catering
Catering Required
AV Equipment
Free Parking
Paid Parking