At Bare, we have built a free online Will kit to enable more Australians to make a Will online, easily and affordably, in just eight steps.
Making a Will has traditionally been time-consuming, expensive and somewhat difficult for a lot of people. While it’s probably the most important document you’ll ever make, only half of Australia’s adult population (48%) has made a Will, according to comparison site But making a Will isn’t as complicated as some people may think. It’s so simple that you don’t even need a solicitor.
You can check your eligibility and if your circumstances are suitable for a simple will. If you are eligible, you can proceed in filling out the for online, our team will generate a Will document for you to print out and have signed. It only needs to be signed by the will-maker and two adult witnesses for it to become a legally binding document.
Easy as that!
This guide is designed to help you work through our free online Will kit, by breaking down the following seven steps to making a Will:
- Your Details
- Your Relationships
- Guardians
- Gifts
- Dividing Your Estate
- Executors
- Funeral Wishes
- Final Wishes
What is a Will?
A Will (or Last Will & Testament) is a legal document outlining your final wishes about how your estate will be distributed after your death.
Why should I make a Will?
If you do not make a Will and die without one, this is called ‘dying intestate’. Certain laws of intestacy will apply and your assets will be distributed by default to your family – but perhaps not according to your preferred allocation.
Without making a Will, disputes can arise among beneficiaries. Resolving this in court can be expensive, time-consuming and emotionally draining.
To avoid dying intestate, make a Will!

How to make a will online: step-by-step guide
Using the Bare free Will service, here’s how to make a Will online, in 8 easy steps.

Step 1: Your Details
We start with your basic contact details like your full legal name, phone number, residential address and email address.
Step 2: Your Relationships
In this section, we ask about your legal relationship: if you are single, married, or de facto – and your partner’s name (if applicable).
Step 3: Guardians
Next, you will appoint guardians of any children under the age of 18, as well as any pets.
We will ask if you have children under the age of 18 and their details. If applicable, nominate who should care for them if you and the other parent would die while the children are still minors.
The same process is repeated for pets and those who you would like to look after them.
Before listing any guardians in your Will, check that those nominated are up to the responsibility if you are no longer alive to care for your children.
Step 4: Gifts
You may leave specific gifts (including cash) to loved ones or charities of your choice. These gifts are deducted from your estate before it is divided among your beneficiaries. It is, however, not a requirement that any specific gift is left. in that case, your estate will be divided per the wishes outlined for your residuary estate.
Gifts may be sentimental, such as jewellery, collections or art, along with common gifts such as a specific cash amount, or shares.
In this section, you can list individual gifts and the name of whom they should be bequested to.
Next, you will be asked if you would like to leave any gifts to a particular charity. If you wish, you can list those here too.

Step 5: Dividing Your Estate
Now nominate your beneficiaries, along with the percentage of your estate they will receive when you die.
Next, you will also need to indicate who will receive each of the nominated beneficiaries’ share of the estate should they pass away before you. Consider if the beneficiaries’ children (if applicable) should receive their parents’ share, or if you have someone else in mind. Add these details here.
After your gifts have been allocated and your debts are paid, your estate can be distributed to the beneficiaries of your choice. You can nominate multiple beneficiaries.
If you leave your estate to more than one beneficiary, you can divide your estate into any sized portion you choose, as long as the total equals 100%.
Your estate will include any assets that you own. This includes any cash in the bank or investments, property, vehicles - including cars, boats and motorbikes – and digital assets, as well as personal possessions like furniture, paintings, collections and jewellery.
Step 6: Executors
Next, appoint at least one executor. Your executor is responsible for administering and distributing the assets of the estate to the beneficiaries after your death, per the Will.
It is important to appoint someone (or people) you trust as your executor. If you are in a relationship, spouses commonly appoint each other as their executors. However, you will need to nominate a back-up executor should your primary executor be unable to act or if they predecease you.
For tips on choosing the right executor, read our article Who should I choose as my executor?

Step 7: Funeral Wishes
Here you can leave your executor any instructions for your funeral arrangements or wishes, along with any explicit requests you would like after you die. The more details you provide, the easier it will be for your executor when they make these arrangements while they are grieving.
Indicate your preference of the type of funeral option: cremation, burial, body donation, or leaving it up to your family to decide at the time of passing.
Next, you can also include the details of your preferred funeral provider and their contact number. For example, Bare Cremation, 1800 071 176.
You might also include wishes for ashes scattering or interment. For example, "scatter my ashes in the ocean" or "I want to be buried next to my parents and I want a Catholic funeral service".
Step 8: Final Wishes
Finally, there is a space to list any other final wishes or requests you would like to make that have not yet been covered earlier. For example, you might be explicit about people you do not want to benefit from your estate.

Final thoughts on making a free Will online using Bare's DIY online Will
We hope this article will guide you through the process of making your Will with our free online builder. Our free Will is simply a document that directly reflects the information/instructions that have been put into our online tool. If you would prefer extra peace of mind, Bare Law also offers a premium Will product, which includes a legal review. This ensures the wishes outlined in the online tool are included in the Will in a way that will ensure the wishes take legal effect and are not misunderstood or misapplied in any way.
For more information on what to include in your Will, read our Complete Guide To Wills: How To Make A Last Will & Testament.
At Bare, we don’t have offices, we don’t have receptionists and we use smart technology to replace manual processes. This means we can deliver a high-quality legal service at the lowest possible price.
To learn more, head here or chat with our estates and Wills lawyers on 1800 343 119, or click the below button.
This guide to making an online Will is not legal advice. For specific advice on your personal or financial situation, speak with our Bare Law team, or your solicitor or accountant. Our Free Will service is not intended for involved or intricate circumstances. For more detailed instructions, we suggest our Premium Will service.