With 2023 just around the corner, it’s that time of year we start to make plans for the New Year. Many of us like to focus on personal goals such as new fitness routines, saving money, or continuing to work on the same goals we’ve been focused on in previous years. 

Something many of us tell ourselves we’ll do every year but never get around to is life admin. That might include budgets and future planning, but what about important life documents like writing your Will and funeral wishes?

When writing down your goals and plans for 2023, don’t forget to include these key things on your to-do list. 

Write your Will.

One important aspect of end-of-life planning is writing a Will. A Will is a legal document that outlines how you want your assets to be distributed after you die. It can also designate a guardian for any minor children you may have. Having a Will in place can help to minimise conflict and uncertainty among loved ones and ensure that your wishes are followed.

Click here to read more about why it is so important to write a Will.

Plan your final wishes.

Sometimes what it takes to think about our own funeral is planning or attending one for a loved one. These grief-stricken circumstances force us to reflect on what we want for ourselves, which you can plan ahead by writing down your final wishes. 

Your final wishes should be anything related to your end-of-life and funeral planning. By writing them down, you are giving your loved ones and next of kin clear instructions on what you want when it comes time to plan a funeral.

Use our simple tool to write your final wishes today.

Create an Advance Care Directive or Living Will.

Another important part of end-of-life planning is creating an advance care directive. An advance care directive is a document that outlines your healthcare wishes in the event that you are unable to make decisions for yourself. When created correctly, it can become a legally binding document.

Your advance care directive can include things like your preferences for medical treatment, your wishes for end-of-life care, and the names of individuals you have designated to make decisions on your behalf.

Read more about how to create an Advance Care Directive. 

Final thoughts on end-of-life planning and New Year’s resolutions.

Making end-of-life plans can be a difficult and emotional process, but it is an important part of taking care of ourselves and our loved ones. By taking the time to think about and document our wishes, we can ensure that our end-of-life care is in line with our values and that our loved ones are not left to make difficult decisions on our behalf. 

So, consider adding end-of-life planning to your list of New Year's resolutions. It may not be the most glamorous resolution, but it is an important step in taking care of ourselves and our loved ones.

If one of your New Year’s resolutions is to prepay your funeral, give our team a call on 1800 202 901 or head here to get an instant quote.