Hi, I'm Kylie Meek

Funeral Arranger

I am a proud Mumma of three, I am the happiest when I am surrounded by trees and nature. Whether that be a simple walk with the dogs or enduro riding off road.

I have always loved working with people - early on in my work life this consisted of working in Dementia care while a student nurse to working with young adults with physical and mental disabilities.

I totally changed my career path after needing a change. Five and a half years later after running my own full time business in the Design industry, I had a yearning to return back to a type of work that fed my soul and touched people in some deeper form. I just didn’t know how that was going to look, then I saw the ad for Bare. I’m a big believer in things happening when they are meant to.

What motivates me to be a Bare funeral arranger?

I love my job at Bare, to have the privilege to share such a fragile moment with individuals and families is something I don’t take for granted. The thought of offering help, whether it be an ear to listen or words of comfort in a time of need, to know I have assisted just a little in these moments has been a space I am very grateful for. It can be a rollercoaster of emotions, going from having tears in my eyes during a call to giggles while sharing funny stories about loved ones, I suppose just like the rollercoaster of grief. My families have in turn enriched my life and reminded me how grateful I should be for the loved ones in my every single day.

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