Losing a loved one is a difficult and emotional time, and it's natural to want to ensure that everything to do with the cremation runs smoothly, including knowing the ashes you receive are indeed those of your loved one. 

One common concern for many people considering cremation for a loved one is knowing that the ashes they’ll receive are their loved one’s, especially if they’re not present for the cremation.

Given Bare offers direct cremation, this is a common question we receive, which is understandable. In Australia, there are strict processes and structures in place to ensure the identification of ashes, giving families peace of mind and confidence in the process.

What happens after someone is cremated?

When a body is brought in for cremation, they are cremated individually and their remains are placed in a container, often referred to as an urn. The cremator can only fit a single coffin in at a time, so there is no possibility of multiple people being cremated together.

Click here to learn more about the cremation process.

How do you keep track of people’s identities?

There are also several checkpoints across the cremation process, from arrival at the crematorium to organising collection or sending off the ashes, to ensure that each person is correctly identified.

When the cremation process is ready to begin, the coffin’s nameplate is checked with the cremation order to ensure the correct identity of the deceased person.

An ID card accompanies the coffin, which provides all the relevant information. This card will remain with the coffin and ashes until they are delivered to the deceased person’s family.

Are there any regulations on crematoriums and returning ashes?

In Australia, crematoriums are regulated by each state government and must comply with strict guidelines to ensure the correct identification and handling of ashes. This includes maintaining accurate records of each cremation and ensuring that the ashes are not mixed with those of other individuals.

What should I do with my loved one’s ashes?

This is a deeply personal decision, so take your time and don’t rush into anything.

There are several options for a loved one’s ashes, including keeping them in their urn in a special place at home, scattering them at a significant location and burying the ashes either alone or near another loved one. 

You can also split the ashes - at Bare we’re able to help with splitting the ashes into multiple urns. You may decide to use some ashes to be infused into a piece of jewellery, or multiple family members may want a share in the ashes.

You can read more about what to do with ashes after a cremation here.

Final thoughts on knowing that the ashes returned to me are my loved one’s.

By having strict protocols and regulations regarding individual ashes, crematoriums are incredibly precise and thorough when ensuring that you receive your loved one’s ashes after their cremation.

If you have any concerns or questions about the identification process, don't hesitate to give us a call on 1800 071 176. We are happy to answer your questions and provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision about cremation.